Interference Characterization

  • H. ElSawy, A. Sultan-Salem, M. Alouini, and M. Z. Win, “Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks using Stochastic Geometry: A Tutorial,” IEEE Commun. Surveys Tuts., vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 167-203, First Quarter 2017.
    [Bibtex] [PDF]
    author  = {Hesham ElSawy and Ahmed Sultan-Salem and Mohamed-Slim Alouini and Moe Z. Win},
    title = {Modeling and Analysis of Cellular Networks using Stochastic Geometry: A Tutorial},
    journal = IEEE_O_CSTO,
    volume = {19},
    number  = {1},
    pages = {167-203},
    month = {First Quarter},
    year = {2017},
  • P. C. Pinto and M. Z. Win, “Percolation and connectivity in the intrinsically secure communications graph,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 58, no. 3, p. 1716–1730 2012.
    [Bibtex] [PDF]
    title={Percolation and connectivity in the intrinsically secure communications graph},
    author={Pinto, Pedro C and Win, Moe Z},
  • A. Rabbachin, T. Q. S. Quek, H. Shin, and M. Z. Win, “Cognitive Network Interference,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 480-493, Feb. 2011.
    [Bibtex] [PDF]
    author  = {Alberto Rabbachin and Tony Q.S. Quek and Hyundong Shin and Moe Z. Win},
    title = {Cognitive Network Interference},
    journal  = IEEE_J_JSAC,
    volume  = {29},
    number  = {2},
    pages = {480-493},
    month = feb,
    year = {2011},
    note = CVNoteWilliamRBennettPrize,
  • M. Z. Win, P. C. Pinto, and L. A. Shepp, “A Mathematical Theory of Network Interference and Its Applications,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 97, no. 2, pp. 205-230, Feb. 2009.
    [Bibtex] [PDF]
    author  = {Moe Z. Win and Pedro C. Pinto and Lawrence A. Shepp},
    title = {A Mathematical Theory of Network Interference and Its Applications},
    journal  = IEEE_J_PROC,
    volume  = {97},
    number  = {2},
    pages = {205-230},
    month = feb,
    year = {2009},
    note = {special issue on {\em Ultra\thinspace-Wide Bandwidth (UWB) Technology
    \& Emerging Applications}} # CVNoteInvitedPaperT # {},